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The Best Ways to store Emergency Backup Food: How To Avoid Losing Your Food Storage

Writer: MoonCraftSurvivalMoonCraftSurvival

Updated: Sep 5, 2021

Making plans for a bug-out scenario is a smart idea for anyone. But what to store to make sure your family has the essentials for 72 hours if necessary confuses a lot of people, and they don't know where to begin. Here we are going to talk about the best ways to store emergency food, why you should have an emergency food store, and How to avoid your food storage going bag. Check out this article for ideas.

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basic bulk foods
Different bulk foods supplies

How to get your Emergency food storage started

Before you can begin any food storage, you have to make a plan. The best plan, however, may be to get started now with easy stuff. When I was working on my bug out supplies, I looked at my entire refrigerator, freezer, and pantry.

I wanted to do my best to reduce my food waste. With my initial food storage I did this by figuring out what it is I eat and what I don't by thoroughly listing out the food groups and only listing what I know I will eat without throwing it away or getting tired of eating, and buying in bulk whenever I could.

Before grocery shopping I would look up the items I would eat and see if they had it in bulk at the stores, I usually purchased food items in bulk. This could have been 1 to 2 items that were on sale that I got in a 20 pound bag. I buy in bulk when I have the opportunity to do so because I know that I can get the same product in smaller quantities at a much cheaper price, or buy it at a better price and get free shipping.

I am not picky so to me food is food and to stay within budget dollar tree and general was store number 1. I would shop there first but really only to get basic cooking necessities like flour, baking supplies, seasonings, storage jars/ containers,and more...

I will be creating a list of 100 essential items from dollar tree and their uses.

The Benefits of a Food Storage Plan

In the event of an emergency, you are going to have a short period of time to gather some important supplies for your family. Having a stocked emergency food supply in your home is an important component in a survival scenario. The best way to store emergency food is to use it up immediately after the emergency has passed.

Food Storage Tips 1: Buy food and drinks you know you wont get tired of eating and drinking, or make sure it stores for a long term ( long shelf life) so you won't have to through it away. Another good tip is to learn canning that way you can can all types of meals, fruits, meats, and veggies of your liking and choice. Planning ahead is key in an emergency situation because you will have a shorter period of time to prepare.

Prepare a storage and feeding schedule that keeps food in good shape for consumption.

Where to Store Emergency Food

Store emergency food items in dark, dry and cool areas with a moderate humidity level. The best temperature is 40 - 70 F. If it's not cold enough for the food to go bad or spoil it shouldn't be stored in a cool area. Move the refrigerator to a cool spot when it reaches 50F or 10C.

Keep the food away from dampness and heavy foot traffic. Storing food in the same location where you normally keep other food items makes it easy for you to remember to eat your food, and because you're always eating your food, it's easier to get used to what you have.

Store emergency food in the freezer if you have a good supply of ice. I have seen people who live in cooler climate states create a underground fridge and use the snow to keep the underground fridge at certain temperatures to keep their preps fresh. Do not keep your emergency food in your basement.

It will only collect mold and mildew, which are prime breeding grounds for bacteria. Store food away from petroleum products, such as gasoline oil, paints, and solvents. Some food tend to adsorb the smells. If you have a land or your own homestead I suggest an underground fridge because it will keep cool longer without using extra or to much power.

I will go more into detail on why the uses and benefits of an underground fridge in another article.

How Long Your Food Will Last

There are two primary concerns when it comes to food storage: the shelf life and the expiration date. The longer the food is in the freezer or the cooler, the longer the food will stay viable, but as we all know the temperature can't be controlled. And the fridge can only hold so much.

So How Long Does My Food Stay Good? If your food is properly stored, it should be good for 6-12 months if stored at ambient temperature. If stored in the refrigerator it should be good for a few months if stored correctly. Which is why I prefer more shelf stable or canned foods, But no one can predict the future, so always have an emergency food bag with at least 2 months' worth of food. Why? Because every family is different.

You might have kids who like to play with food, or you might have a diabetic who can't stand to be around it. Which Is why I suggest getting items that you know, you or your family will absolutely eat with no issues.

What Should You Store The Food In

There are multiple options, so here are a few ideas: Bin Bags - Boxes of cereal, breads, canned goods, pasta, etc. Plastic Storage Bags - Chicken jerky, beef jerky, jerky treats, dried fruit, beans, etc.

BPA Food grade buckets with screw on lids, some type of waterproof,airtight, containers. Mylar bags that come in different sizes but will need oxygen absorbers for some food preps. Here is the list for recommended oxygen amounts. I definitely suggest repackaging the plastic storage bag items into the Mylar bags for longer storage life. I also suggest using a food saver vacuum sealer for food storage, and to create meals ready to eat(MRES)

Infant Formula - This is especially good for a newborn because formula has no gluten or sugar and requires no refrigeration. Why You Should Have An Emergency Food Store When you don't know what will happen, it's always best to have a plan. Planning is key With all the craziness going on with the economy, natural disasters, politics, and other world events, it's important to be prepared for anything.

How to Avoid Losing Your Food Storage

The survival mindset is changing. It has been for years now, where instead of working to just stay alive, people are taking on more challenging missions and ideas for survival. This has lead to the emergence of companies to provide preps to make sure you're prepared, or more specifically, emergency food storage.

Some sell bulk emergency food, food grade buckets, water safe containers, and more. Just make sure that if you are creating, canning, and buying regular store items that you create a food swap schedule just to be on the safe side.

Ex. You go out to buy groceries and few extras for your emergency storage, the next time you go grocery shopping you take the previous food storage food that you may suspect is getting close to their expiration date and eat that for week and put in the new emergency groceries groceries.

There are several different types of food storage options that you should have in your bag of tricks in case of an emergency, so you're ready to go when the zombies start taking over. 1. Look for a food storage system that's compatible with your needs Choosing a food storage system is an important decision for anyone that's preparing. You have a lot to consider here – what type of food, how much food, what size storage space, how to use it, and how to store it safely.


A bug-out bag is great for serious disaster scenarios, but it is not the end all be all for emergency survival. In fact a bug-out bag is a good way to organize, store, and prepare for a major event, but you still need an emergency food store to be ready in an emergency scenario.

Their only great for bugging out which is why it's a bug out bag. But if you plan on bugging in your home then you most definitely need a emergency food store. If you're interested in learning more about preparedness, make sure to check out our website today! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter and in return we give you our ultimate bug out bag freebie.

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