The Ultimate Bug Out Bag Checklist } Free Printable {
A bug out bag is a bag packed with emergency essentials/ tools used in the case of an emergency survival situation, you just grab the bag and go, Sort of like an evacuation bag.
Disaster's can strike at any point so it's best to have one or two just in case you may need it.
To improve your chances of survival after bugging out, we've created the ultimate checklist of essentials to help you accomplish your long term survival strategy.
24 pages- filled with content, checklist, essential items and their uses, and tips and tricks for packing and planning a bug out bag.
72 hr kit- This ultimate checklist can be used for more than just building a bug out bag. It can be used for a regular bug in 72 hr kit, Emergency car kit, and more...
All ages, and genders included- Made with men, women, kids, including newborns in mind.
Color coded- Color coded in terms of essential, useful, and things people may want to included.
Product link list included- I created a shop on MoonCraftSurvival for you guys and gals to find the products and items( it is affiliate related, please read the disclaimer before hand.)